
hAIst-con – artificial intelligence in the health sector

The Norwegian Health Archives Registry (NHAR) recently concluded a pilot-study where Anzyz delivered the core AI technology. The method and results are to be presented at the “hAIst-con” AI conference, arranged by the University of Stavanger, about practical application of AI in the Health Care industry.

NHAR is the first of its kind to preserve a whole nation’s patient health records (PHR’s) from hospitals and establish a database for research purposes.

PHR’s are scanned, OCR-read and registered with a limited, pre-defined set of metadata, but in order to build statistics and search for a specific lab-result; a symptom and a prescribed medication, AI is needed. The main purpose of this pilot-study was to use AI-technology (natural language processing algorithm) in identifying PHR’s which included autopsy-reports and to define the success rate based on manual control.

15.092 PHR’s (sampled from a representative hospital) was drawn from NHAR. The data had words/phrases that often appear in autopsy-reports: f.ex. “post mortem rigidity”. An AI-autopsy concept was built with Anzyz CCLTM Machine Learning Technology. Unlike typically sophisticated Machine Learning algorithms, Anzyz CCLTM provides fully transparent results. The technology involves interactive humans-in-the-loop for quality assurance.

The purpose of the AI-autopsy-concept was to evaluate the capabilities of information retrieval in PHR’s. Hence, it can be evaluated for its matching capabilities to identify relevant information based on a given query.

Among the 15,092 PHR’s, the algorithm identified 669 records with autopsy-reports.

The results demonstrate promising capabilities to investigate other medical concepts. We believe the Anzyz AI technology will be a valuable asset for NHAR in order to identify PHR’s with the specific content that researchers request.

Anzyz’ CEO Kristian Hernes says the successfull pilot has again shown the powerful capabilities of the Anzyz’ machine learning algorithm and that the AI technology has a practical application in many areas including health research.

For more details regarding the conferance click here.

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