
The AnzyzLegal product provides domain experts with a powerful tool to discover key information in unstructured text with precision and speed. Utilizing our unique Hybrid-AI system, the product streamlines the document review process in areas such as disputes, litigations, investigations and transactions.

Explore your data

Explore your case by searching for single words or phrases. The results are ranked according to relevance while highlights provide for quick identification of key elements. Label documents by importance and download directly from your dataset.

Concept-based search

Concept-based search provides deeper insights into the data being reviewed, helping lawyers to identify trends and patterns that may be relevant to the case. Our product allows lawyers create their own concepts from scratch without any technical expertise.


Create a timeline to visualize trends and occurrences and explore when a concept, or combination of concepts, appear in the data.

Access data

Quickly access all original documents, files and emails from your combined concept searches. Tag for relevance, filter, and share within your team.

A Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) incorporating a novel algorithm-based approach for text mining of the patient narrative for identifying and classifying patient allergies (to automatically flag/alarm when patient allergies are serious and requires further attention from physicians). Utilizing Anzyz’ proprietary AI-algorithm CCL™, the product leverages unsupervised and supervised machine learning combined with rule-based algorithms for clinical concept-based search.​

AnzyzResearch is a concept-based search tool, utilizing the full power of Anzyz' Hybrid-AI system. The product systematize digitized patient health records, enabling compilations of relevant statistical categories, thus allowing domain experts unlock value from patient data. The product has been developed in collaboration with a national research institution and is in daily use by professional researchers.

AnzyzResearch is a concept-based search tool, utilizing the full power of Anzyz' Hybrid-AI system. The product systematize digitized patient health records, enabling compilations of relevant statistical categories, thus allowing domain experts unlock value from patient data. The product has been developed in collaboration with a national research institution and is in daily use by professional researchers.