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Large Language Models (LLMs) vs Case-Specific Language Models, which is better suited for your business?
Case-specific language models are typically trained on specific tasks, whereas LLMs (such as GPT-3.5) are general-purpose language models trained on a wide range of language

Nordic Legal Tech Day in Copenhagen DK
Wrapping up the Nordic Legal Tech day in CPH 🇩🇰 – as anticipated AI is everywhere this year. When Ole-Christoffer Granmo founded Anzyz Technologies back in 2014 this was not

Check out the latest buzz: AnzyzLegal v2 has finally arrived!
No doubt, the last eight months have been hectic at Anzyz, with an intense product development phase coming to an end. At the end of

Finansavisen featuring our CEO Kristian Hernes
Grateful towards Finansavisen featuring our CEO Kristian Hernes in this article (in Norwegian), writing about Anzyz Technologies‘ journey to empower researchers and legal teams with next-gen AI products for text

Large Language Models (LLMs) vs Case-Specific Language Models, which is better suited for your business?
Case-specific language models are typically trained on specific tasks, whereas LLMs (such as GPT-3.5) are general-purpose language models trained on a wide range of language

Nordic Legal Tech Day in Copenhagen DK
Wrapping up the Nordic Legal Tech day in CPH 🇩🇰 – as anticipated AI is everywhere this year. When Ole-Christoffer Granmo founded Anzyz Technologies back in 2014 this was not

Check out the latest buzz: AnzyzLegal v2 has finally arrived!
No doubt, the last eight months have been hectic at Anzyz, with an intense product development phase coming to an end. At the end of

Finansavisen featuring our CEO Kristian Hernes
Grateful towards Finansavisen featuring our CEO Kristian Hernes in this article (in Norwegian), writing about Anzyz Technologies‘ journey to empower researchers and legal teams with next-gen AI products for text